Active Projects

Here is a breakdown of active projects, where they cross over and the intended public benefit outcomes


We have four active programs with various projects operating within these programs, these programs and projects have been created via using best practice of the Prince2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments) methodology of deploying projects. 

List of active Programs:

  • Partner Research Program
  • Business Program
  • Technology Program
  • Life Skills Program


SSBA is a Prince2 Organisation.

We apply the correct control points on the phase gate stages, to ensure unnecessary costs are minimised by reducing superfluous effort – we do this by having experienced management that have completed work packages themselves in prior roles.

Partner Research Program

The program brings together multifaceted and multidisciplinary organisations under common aligned goals, to generate data driven content that is published on the website, with the aim of equipping people with the knowledge and tools on how to be the best versions of themselves.

Based on our experience if we have come to the conclusion that governmental policy requires changing, we will strive to effect that change by working in a nonpartisan manner with policy makers to achieve common goals by representing the public’s interest.  


Currently in discussions with other organisations that align with our goals, in the areas of Business, Technology and Life Skills